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January 22
  • Scholastic Book Orders are due this Friday! There are lots of great books to choose from! You don't need to order only from the for your favorite authors or titles and see what's available!


  • online order code GTJ8D

January 3
  • Cayuga Elementary is doing a coin drive to collect money for Majorpolooza.  Our school goal is $250 by the end of January. Students are encouraged to scour the car, the couch, under their bed, on top of dressers, and in pockets to find any loose change!  A letter explaining this was sent home in the folders today....take a look and help us reach our goal! Coins only!

January 2
December 12
  • We sent home a letter yesterday explaining that third graders will have the opportunity to go outside OR stay inside for recess.  This will occur ONLY if the weather cooperates.  We will not take studetns out if the windchill is below 20.  If it is mild and in the upper 20s, we will most likely go outside.  Please make sure that your child is prepared to go outside if they choose to.  They will need hats, gloves, pants and boots.  If snow is on the ground, they will also need snow pants to keep their clothes from getting wet.  Again, we will take this day to day depending on the weather. We are mother's too, so we play the "mother card' to decide if we will take kids out or not. Thank you in advance!

  • Students also brought home a letter about our holiday spirit week next week. I will send reminders each night to remind you  what day it is.

  • Our class party will be on Friday, Dec. 22.  Students should have brought home a letter explaining our plans and asking for items to help make our party a success.  Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this.

September 5

A few items that I always need in my classroom that are much appreciated:

  • Coupons - I am always getting items for the classroom, cleaning supplies,  paper produts, and food items to use for various projects.  If you get a newspaper and usually throw away the coupons, send them to me! I'll use them!

  • Old Magazines and books and newspapers - We like to cut out pictures and words from magazines to use for vaious projects.  Donated books always have a place in our classroom library!

  • Games - We love to play Connect 4, Traffic Jam, Scrabble, Banangrams, Boggle and other word games during our reading rotations and at other choice activity times. Also, during inclemet weather we need lots to keep us busy. Old sets of Legos are an EXCELLENT tool for creativity and engineering....Donations of blocks, Legos, word or math games that are not being used at home would be greatly appreciated!











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